APRIL 26, 2014 at the LeSUEUR SWAP MEET 2:00 P.M. in the Pancake House
Minnesotans GoPher Cockshutt Minutes of the February 22, 2014 Elk River Perkins
Dave Bryant called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
Kay noted that the minutes of the last meeting were published in the last Tin Man. Dave asked for a motion to approve them. Gordy Lefebvre motion and Bob Sudbeck seconded the motion to approve the minutes as written. The motion carried.
Kay reported that we have a little over $3,000 in the bank. Dave asked for a motion to approve her report. Vickie Larson moved and Gordy Lefebvre seconded the motion. The motion carried.
At this time Dave introduced guests Maynard Theis and Ross Jakobitz from the Forest City show. They told us about their show. It is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day. They have a building available for the featured tractor people. It has a tar floor, security at night, the building locks, there is room for vendors in the building. They have a building where we can have the banquet which has a kitchen with two stoves and a fridge. There is primitive camping available for a $10 donation. Exhibitors get into the show free. There is a tractor pull at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. On Saturday evening they have a free corn feed - they usually prepare about 500 ears of corn. They will have caps with a Cockshutt on them. Their flea market has about 14-16 vendors and they have a band both days. They said it is not a real big show. If you plan on camping you should get your reservation in early — they need to know how much grass to mow.
Next we discussed the banquet for the August show. Chris and Tara presented a couple proposals from caterers. After a lot of discussion it was decided that we would have pork chops, baked beans, potato salad, cole slaw, rolls, pickles, olives and cake for dessert. We will need plates, forks, knives, and napkins.
Tickets for this meal will be $15.00 per person. Gordy Lefebvre made a motion to sell banquet tickets for $15.00. The motion was seconded by Bob Sudbeck. The motion carried.
We also discussed what to do for a gift at this meeting. We talked about doing coasters again, refrigerator magnets were discussed. If you have any ideas, please share them with us at the April meeting. If you cannot attend the meeting, you can send your ideas to MN GoPher Cockshutt - 5132 46th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55417.
Next we discussed new t-shirts. Only two people have submitted designs. Pictures of the two designs will be in the next Tin Man along with a request for other designs. We will make a decision at the meeting in LeSueur, April 26th. Please send your design suggestions to MN GoPher Cockshutt 5132 46th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55417.
Next we discussed the 2015 calendar. We decided that photos for this calendar can include people. Please submit all photos to Mn GoPher Cockshutt - 5132 46th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55417, or you can e-mail them to [email protected]. Please send your photos now....we would really like to have the calendar done early this year.
We talked a little about our club sponsoring an ICCI Spring Meeting in 2015. We are checking into hotels near the Mall of America. At the last ICCI meeting last summer Bill Cockshutt asked that we try to make the Spring Meetings more interesting and have things for ladies and children to do. The MOA has been suggested because of the shopping and other activities for women at the Mall and there is the amusement area for children. There are three hotels, all within walking distance of each other, with various pricing, one with a water park, etc. that would provide entertainment for children. We will gather as much info as possible to present it to the ICCI Board at the April 4th meeting in Simcoe, Ontario.
Don’t forget the ICCI Summer Show is in Burnett Corners, WI , August 1-3, 2014. Hope to see you there.
Respectfully submitted, Kay Norheim, Secretary/Treasurer
November 2, 2013 - Padua
We met at the Padua Pub, in Padua, MN. Thank you Ken and Chris for making the arrangements for this meeting.
President Dave Bryant called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m.
Bob Sudbeck made a motion that was seconded by Gordy Lefebrve to approve the minutes of the September 7th meeting as written. The motion was approved.
Kay presented a written treasurer’s report showing the income and expenses to date. We show a profit of $609.64 an overall balance in our checking and savings account of $2,998.17. Pauline Weiss made a motion that was seconded by Ron Doerfler to approve treasurer’s report as presented. The motion was approved.
We thanked Dave Bryant for making all of the arrangements with the people at Butterfield for the show in August. Thank you to Chris Thurk for making the banquet arrangements. People commented that the food was very good, probably one of the best we’ve had.
We thanked Ron and Judy Doerfler and Deb Bradley for making the coasters we gave to all who attended the banquet.
Next we discussed the possibility of our club hosting an ICCI Spring Meet in 2015 or 2016. At the Summer ICCI show in Athens, Ontario Bill Cockshutt said that the ICCI has to do something to attract the younger generation. We need to have events that will make families want to attend. At our September meeting we discussed the possibility of doing something near the Mall of America. Kay and Deb have checked on “cheap flights”, with no success. Jeanie Bryant has a friend who has come to the Mall of America on one of these flights and when Jeanie gets to Florida on the 27th of December she will check with her and see what information she can gather for us. Another site that was suggested is the Arrowwood in Alexandria. That is probably not the greatest venue for April in Minnesota. Rod will discuss with Grant Oliver and the Board. A Spring meeting usually attracts about 175-200 people. There would be no cost to our club to host such an event. Pauline Weiss made a motion that was seconded by Tara Larson to submit whatever is necessary for us to host a Spring meeting in Minnesota. The motion carried.
Next we discussed our Summer Regional show at Forest City. Tara said there is primitive camping available and other camping in nearby Litchfield, MN, roughly 6 - 8 miles from the show site. There is a building at the site where we could have the banquet. Tara’s brother-in-law has volunteered to BBQ pork chops. Tara was told to wait until after Christmas to call for any other information. We asked her to check with them and see if it would be OK for us to BBQ on site. Keith Larson has also spoken with a caterer in Hutchinson that would prepare a meal for $8.50 per person. Tara will check with the people at Forest City and report to us at the next meeting. We need to get all of the info to Deb by February 15, 2014 for our ad in the April issue of the Quarterly.
Next we discussed calendars and whether we should make one for 2015 or not. Sales are down a little and if it weren’t for Bob Sudbeck we would have only sold half of the 100 calendars we had ordered. We discussed advertising in the calendar and decided if we did that it would not be “our” calendar. We also heard that people have commented that they like the pictures of different types of machinery. Bob said the first year we did the calendars he had them by the April meeting and we should strive to get the calendar done early in the year. Kay Norheim made a motion that was seconded by Bob Sudbeck that the club make a 2015 calendar. The motion was approved. Deb asked that members start sending photos now for next year’s calendar.
Deb also said that she needs members to send stories, articles, photos, etc. for the Tin Man. She asked if there was an interest in having Tech Tips in it. There was a lot of discussion and with everyone’s help in providing information, the Tin Man will continue on as it has been. If members don’t send information to fill the pages, it will go back to being a shortened version. We sure hope that doesn’t happen. So please, if you have a story to tell, send it to us.
We discussed having someone coordinate camping at the shows. It is more fun to camp when those around you are Cockshutt people. Gordy said he will do it this year. When it’s time for the show, if you plan on camping you should let Gordy know and he will see that enough spaces are reserved together for all of us wishing to camp.
We discussed the T-shirts that we have and it was generally agreed that we should make some new shirts with a different design. So, if you have ideas, please submit them to us at: Minnesotans Go-Pher Cockshutt - 5132 46th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55417.
Pauline Weiss made a motion that was seconded by Judy Doerfler that we sell our remaining inventory of T-shirts at cost (approximate cost). The motion was approved. We will put an ad in the next Tin Man to sell the shirts at cost.
Next Molly Bradley brought up the idea of having a Christmas get-together. She thought it would be fun to have a meal and have each person bring something Cockshutt as a gift to exchange. After some discussion it was decided to do this after the holidays, on January 11th, 2014, at the Bradley’s home in Minneapolis. The club will purchase the food and Deb, Molly and Kay will prepare it. Mark your calendar, we hope you will be able to attend.
Respectfully submitted. Kay Norheim, Secretary/Treasurer
FEBRUARY 2, 2013 Meeting Notes
Minnesotans GoPher Cockshutt Minutes of February 2, 2013 Meeting at Perkins, Buffalo, MN
The meeting was called to order by President Dave Bryant.
Kay said the secretary’s report had been printed in the Tin Man and asked if there were any corrections or addition. There being none Gordy Lefebvre motioned and Tim Brown seconded the motion to accept the minutes as written. The motion carried.
A treasurer’s report was distributed to everyone at the meeting. Keith Larson motioned and Rod Nelson seconded the motion at approve the treasurer’s report as presented. The motion carried.
Dave Bryant reported that Howard Madson from the Butterfield show will be attending the swap meet at LeSueur and we have invited him to attend our meeting. So, if you have any questions or concerns about that show come prepared to ask them at the April meeting.
Chris Larson had nothing to report about the 2014 show at Forest City at this time. Chris Thurk is the one in charge of planning for the 2015 show at Montevideo.
Next we discussed, again, the requirement that all of our members be ICCI members. Rod had a conversation with Vern Bolander, long time ICCI member and member of the Ohio RAC. Their club and the Iowa club were founded prior to the ICCI establishing guidelines for RAC’s. Rod said this is something that will be on the agenda at the Spring ICCI Meeting in April. Hopefully, after that meeting we will have some answers and settle this issue.
The editor of the ICCI Quarterly left that position rather abruptly and Deb Bradley expressed her interest in becoming the new editor. Through phone contact and e-mails the board asked her to do the next two issues and they will make a decision at a later date as to whether she will be the permanent editor.
Deb asked that we send stories, photos, and info for the Tin Man or web site to her.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
Next meeting - 2:00 p.m., April 27th in the Pancake House at the LeSueur Swap Meet.
Respectfully submitted,
Kay Norheim, Secretary
Minnesotans Go Pher Cockshutt Minutes of the August 4, 2012 Meeting at Perkins in Elk River, MN
Members Present: Leslie Johnson, Bob and Linda Sudbeck, Rod and JoAnn Nelson, Gordy Lefebrve, Chris, Tara, Tristan and Gavin Larson, David and Jean Bryant, John and Pauline Weiss, Ron and Judy Doerfler; Dave Martin, Tim Brown, Molly Bradley and Kay Norheim. Molly's friend Christi Phillips attended as a guest.
The meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m. by President Gordy Lefebvre.
Kay reported that the secretary's report was printed in the last newsletter and asked if there were any additions or corrections to them. There being none Tim Brown made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Linda Sudbeck seconded the motion. The motion carried.
The treasurer's report shows a current balance of $1 ,872.59. There will be some expenses prior to the White Pine show. She asked for questions, there being none Dave Bryant motioned to approve the treasurer's report as presented. Rod Nelson seconded the motion. The motion carried.
The next item was to present the 2013 calendars. Kay announced the we ALL failed Proofreading 101. On the drive up to the show Christi was looking through a calendar and asked if we had looked at the February page - she found an error that in all the times we've looked at the calendar we never caught. February had two 27th's. They will be fixed and ready for the show at Almelund the next weekend. Thank you Christi, you can proofread next year's calendar before we go to press with it!
The belt buckles have arrived and are now on sale for $20 each.
Rod Nelson reported on the grounds at White Pine. Concrete has been ordered for the new building, there will also be lights. Campsites are available, the list of hotels was in our last newsletter and in the Quarterly, the Langenbach's will have tables and chairs there, we are ordering a tent, the banquet will be in the building, JoAnn is preparing things to hang on the walls with photos of past shows, etc. JoAnn passed around a sheet with all of the events our club has had. When you exhibit at White Pine you receive a mug. This year the mug and their T-shirts will have a picture of a Cockshutt on them. Campfires are allowed and you can bring your own wood.
Dave Bryant is going to Butterfield next weekend, our show will be there next year (2013). Dave will report on it at our next meeting. We had a call from Art Reible from Forest City confirming that they will be featuring Cockshutt in 2014 and are looking forward to having us having our meeting there. Montevideo has been confirmed for 2015. Gordy heard from the folks at the Wright County Fair in Howard Lake, MN that they would be interested in featuring Cockshutt and us having our meeting there. It isn't a very big show, but they do have a tractor pull on Thursday evening.
We have talked to Grant Oliver about having a national show at Hastings, MN in 2016. Steve Bauer is willing to come to the ICCI meeting next spring to meet the people and make a presentation.
Ron Doerfler brought along a photo of a 1945 prototype Cockshutt that he shared with us.
Bob Sudbeck has challenged everyone to sell at least 10 calendars. Remember, he sold 100 last year. Thanks again Bob!
Megan Thurk will be writing an article for the next newsletter. Gordy Lefebvre has offered to write one for the following issue.
Our next meeting will be at noon on October 20th at Charlie's in Freeport, MN. Hope you can be there.
There being no further business, Bob Sudbeck made a motion to adjourn. Dave Bryant seconded it. The motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Kay Norheim, Secretary/Treasurer
Minnesotans Go-Pher Cockshutt Minutes of April 28, 2012 meeting at LeSueur, Minnesota
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by President, Gordy Lefebvre.
Kay stated that the minutes of our last meeting in February, 2012 had been mailed to everyone. She asked for additions or corrections. There being none, Pauline Weiss motioned and Ken Thurk seconded the motion to approve the minutes as written. The motion carried.
Kay presented the treasurer’s report, which was also mailed to all members. There being no questions pertaining to the treasurer’s report, Bob Sudbeck motioned and Tim Brown seconded the motion to approve the treasurer’s report as submitted. The motion carried.
Deb Bradley reported that it’s time to renew our domain for our web site. She suggested we move it to Go Daddy. The cost for two years is $67.90. The web address will remain the same. Pauline Weiss motioned and Judy Doerfler seconded the motion to go ahead with Go Daddy. The motion carried.
Deb also asked for volunteers to write articles for the newsletter. Chris Larson will send an article for the next issue and Megan Thurk will provide an article for the 4th Quarter newsletter. A big thank you to them. It’s nice to know that we have this covered for the next two issues. If there is anyone else who wants to write an article, just let Deb ([email protected]) know.
Deb asked if anyone wanted to help select photos for the 2013 calendar. The goal is to have it ready in time for White Pine, if not before. Ron and Judy Doerfler volunteered.
The belt buckles will be delivered to us around May 15th.
We discussed the White Pine show and the Nelson family volunteered to prepare the tables for the banquet. John and Nancy Langenbach were at the meeting. They asked that Rod and JoAnn be the contact people instead of them. The building we will be in is 30' x 50'. John will check on tables and chairs for the banquet. Roger Holman can park his big camper next to the building.
Gordy & Marilyn Lefebvre, Rod & JoAnn Nelson, Molly Bradley and Kay Norheim attended the ICCI Spring Meet in Geneseo, NY. Molly was appointed Chair of the ICCI Web Site committee and Kay was appointed ICCI Secretary.
The 2012 ICCI Summer Show will be August 9-12 in LaGrange, IN. There was a lot of discussion pertaining to the 2013 Spring Meet - it may be in Fort Wayne, IN, the final decision will be made at the Summer show.
Gordy mentioned that the Minnesota State Fair would like to have tractors there every day. They need more people willing to bring their tractor and stay there from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for four days. For your participation you will receive a free pass and parking. If you are interested, please contact Gordy as he has done it before and will be able to answer any questions you may have.
Once again, Gordy talked about new officers for our club. We would like to give everyone a chance to lead this organization. Dave Bryant, currently vice president, agreed to take over as President in 2013. There were no volunteers for the Secretary/Treasurer’s position. If you are interested in that position, please let us know.
There is a show in Plainfield, WI featuring Cockshutt, June 8-10, 2012.
Our next meeting will be held at about 5:00 p.m. at the White Pine show grounds the week before the show. There is a caravan from the Nelson’s farm, near Sandstone, to White Pine, which leaves the Nelson’s at 1:00 p.m. It is roughly 18 miles to White Pine. When we arrive there we will have a pot luck and our meeting will follow that.
Bob Sudbeck moved and Willard Klaasen seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried.
Thank you all for coming.....
Respectfully submitted,
Kay Norheim, Secretary/Treasurer
Minutes of February 11, 2012 The Corral in Nelson, Minnesota
Members present: John/Pauline Weiss, Rod/JoAnn Nelson, Ron/Judy Doerfler, Dave Bryant, Peter Anderson, Chris Thurk, Charles Jones, Bob/Linda Sudbeck, Megan Thurk, Tara/Chris Larson, Keith Larson, Rick Stark, Allan Warzecha, Tom Johnson, Dana Loken, Bob/Diann Williams, Merald Thorstad, Ryan Pansch, Ken Thurk, Deb Bradley, Myron/Lenore Felix, Marilyn/Gordy Lefebvre, Molly Bradley, Kay Norheim. Molly's friend Matt McCarty attended as a guest.
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by President Gordy Lefebvre.
Kay Norheim, Secretary, said the minutes of the previous meeting had been sent to all members and asked if there were any additions or corrections. There being none a motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as written. The motion carried.
An Income/Expense sheet was handed out. Our account balance as of February 10, 2012 is $2,981.10. A motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the treasurer’s report as submitted.
Rod Nelson stated that all of the current information pertaining to the White Pine show on Labor Day weekend is in the latest issue of the Tin Man. He also reported that the Langenbach’s will be at the LeSueur swap meet and will attend our meeting.
We discussed having a belt buckle that our club would sell at White Pine. Gordy passed around a sample buckle. Prices are $14.30 each for 25 buckles and $9.07 each for 50. A motion was made, seconded and approved to order 50 buckles.
Plans are underway for the 2013 calendar. The pages this year will include US and Canadian holidays, samples were passed around as were some pictures. Deb asked for volunteers to help select photos for the calendar. Judy Doerfler volunteered.
New Business.
The people from the Dodge County Show in Wisconsin, where the 2014 ICCI summer show will be, may be at LeSueur and it’s possible they may show slides.
Ron and Judy Doerfler received a gift, which John and Pauline Weiss provided, for coming the furthest distance to the meeting.
Chris Thurk brought a brochure from the Montevideo show and suggested we look check it out for a possible site for one of our shows.
Deb Bradley made up two ads for the Quarterly, one a full page and the other a half page. A motion was made, seconded and approved to put a full page ad in the next two issues.
The caterer we will be using at the White Pine show will charge us $10 per meal so we decided to charge $20 for tickets.
Deb asked people to think about writing articles for our newsletter.
Kay announced that Bob Sudbeck has sold a total of 100 2011 calendars and thanked him for the extra effort he put forth for the club.
Gordy recognized Deb and Kayla for the great newsletter.
Kay read an e-mail she received from Lynn Vernon thanking us for the newsletter and praising both the newsletter and our shows that he has attended. He will be at White Pine.
Chris Thurk wants to donate a milk can for the club to raffle at the White Pine show.
There being no further business, a motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Kay Norheim
Secretary/ Treasurer
Members present: John/Pauline Weiss, Rod/JoAnn Nelson, Ron/Judy Doerfler, Dave Bryant, Peter Anderson, Chris Thurk, Charles Jones, Bob/Linda Sudbeck, Megan Thurk, Tara/Chris Larson, Keith Larson, Rick Stark, Allan Warzecha, Tom Johnson, Dana Loken, Bob/Diann Williams, Merald Thorstad, Ryan Pansch, Ken Thurk, Deb Bradley, Myron/Lenore Felix, Marilyn/Gordy Lefebvre, Molly Bradley, Kay Norheim
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by President Gordy Lefebvre.
Kay Norheim, Secretary, said the minutes of the previous meeting had been sent to all members and asked if there were any additions or corrections. There being none a motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as written. The motion carried.
An Income/Expense sheet was handed out. Our account balance as of February 10, 2012 is $2,981.10. A motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the treasurer’s report as submitted.
Rod Nelson stated that all of the current information pertaining to the White Pine show on Labor Day weekend is in the latest issue of the Tin Man. He also reported that the Langenbach’s will be at the LeSueur swap meet and will attend our meeting.
We discussed having a belt buckle that our club would sell at White Pine. Gordy passed around a sample buckle. Prices are $14.30 each for 25 buckles and $9.07 each for 50. A motion was made, seconded and approved to order 50 buckles.
Plans are underway for the 2013 calendar. The pages this year will include US and Canadian holidays, samples were passed around as were some pictures. Deb asked for volunteers to help select photos for the calendar. Judy Doerfler volunteered.
New Business.
The people from the Dodge County Show in Wisconsin, where the 2014 ICCI summer show will be, may be at LeSueur and it’s possible they may show slides.
Ron and Judy Doerfler received a gift, which John and Pauline Weiss provided, for coming the furthest distance to the meeting.
Chris Thurk brought a brochure from the Montevideo show and suggested we look check it out for a possible site for one of our shows.
Deb Bradley made up two ads for the Quarterly, one a full page and the other a half page. A motion was made, seconded and approved to put a full page ad in the next two issues.
The caterer we will be using at the White Pine show will charge us $10 per meal so we decided to charge $20 for tickets.
Deb asked people to think about writing articles for our newsletter.
Kay announced that Bob Sudbeck has sold a total of 100 2011 calendars and thanked him for the extra effort he put forth for the club.
Gordy recognized Deb and Kayla for the great newsletter.
Kay read an e-mail she received from Lynn Vernon thanking us for the newsletter and praising both the newsletter and our shows that he has attended. He will be at White Pine.
Chris Thurk wants to donate a milk can for the club to raffle at the White Pine show.
There being no further business, a motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn the meeting.
Respectfully submitted,
Kay Norheim
Secretary/ Treasurer
Minutes of November 19, 2011
We met at the Perkins restaurant on Hwy. 169 in Elk River at noon. Due to a snowstorm, attendance was low. Those present were: Molly and Deb Bradley, Tim Brown, Dave and Jeannie Bryant, Ron and Judy Doerfler, Gordy Lefebvre, Rod and Jo Nelson, Kay Norheim. John and Nancy Langenbach from the White Pine show also attended this meeting.
Gordy called the meeting to order at about 12:45 p.m.
The minutes of the previous meeting had been sent to all members. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as written. The motion carried. Kay presented the treasurer’s report, a copy of which is attached to these minutes. Calendar sales have been very good, income to date is $1,848. Bob Sudbeck has sold 80 of them. We show a profit of $904.17 at this time. A motion was made and seconded to approve the treasurer’s report as presented. The motion carried.
We talked about the Albany show and what a great job they did to make it a Cockshutt show. We were delighted to have several ICCI members from Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Nebraska and Wisconsin attending. To the best of our counting ability, we think there were about 65 Cockshutts and some equipment on display. Despite a rather heavy rain during the parade on Sunday, many of our people drove through the parade. The people from Albany could not have treated us better and we thank them for having us.
We discussed whether we should conduct our quarterly meeting at a show and decided we should not. In the future we will have our quarterly meeting a week or two prior to the show.
Gordy mentioned that the people at the State Fair would like people to show tractors for eight days. You have to be at your tractor all day. Gordy asked if anyone would be interested in showing their tractors. We will discuss this further at a future meeting.
Next we discussed if we should plan on producing a 2013 calendar. After some discussion Tim Brown made a motion and Rod Nelson seconded it, that we should go ahead and start working on a 2013 calendar. We will continue to have tractors belonging to members of our club and a few ICCI members, pictures cannot have people in them. We think the cover should be a photo of all the tractors at the Albany show. The motion carried.
The next order of business was to discuss the White Pine show on Labor Day weekend in 2012. John and Nancy had not arrived yet, but Rod and JoAnn talked about the show, lodging, the banquet, etc. JoAnn has contacted a lady in the area that does catering and she will do a two meat buffet for $9.50 per person. We can choose from ham, roast beef, turkey, chicken, Salisbury steak or meatballs, with mashed potatoes, vegetables, lettuce salad or coleslaw, white or wheat bread. Dessert would be extra. The banquet will be held in the new building on the hill near the church. We will see if they will be having a “spark show” next year. Rod and JoAnn told about the caravan they have the Sunday before the show begins. Everyone meets at their home near Sandstone and drives their tractors to the show, we are all invited. It is roughly 18 miles and when we arrive at the show we have a potluck dinner. Due to the snow, John and Nancy arrived late - their comments follow: Their show has been in existence for 33 years, on 120 acres just east of Highway 65 and Highway 18. There is on-site camping, no electrical hook ups. If we give them a rough idea of how many campers we expect, they will block off an area for us. There is a 30 x 50' building where the featured tractor will be displayed. The building will have electric from a generator. Cockshutt tractors will lead the parade on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Their button and t-shirts will have Cockshutts on them. Cockshutt vendors will be allowed in the feature building, provided they sell only Cockshutt merchandise. There is a dance both Saturday and Sunday evenings from 8-11 p.m. Lodging is available on Lake Mille Lacs, about 18 miles west of the show site, in Sandstone and in Banning Junction. More lodging information will be provided in our ad in the next Quarterly.
There being no further business a motion was made by Dave Bryant and seconded by Deb Bradley to adjourn. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kay Norheim, Secretary/Treasurer
September 17, 2011 Minutes
Meeting at Albany, Minnesota
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by President Gordy Lefebvre.
Kay Norheim, Secretary, said the minutes of the previous meeting had been sent to all members and asked if there were any additions or corrections. There being none a motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as written. The motion carried.
Kay also reported that, “we have money.”
Gordy reported that our 4th Regional (2012) meeting will be at the White Pine show on Labor Day Weekend. White Pine is near McGrath, MN. They have a large building that will have a concrete floor and electricity that we will be able to use. They have a dance both Saturday and Sunday nights. There is lodging available on Lake Mille Lacs, 12 miles from the show.
The 5th Regional (2013) meeting will be at Butterfield, MN the 3rd weekend in August. Dave Bryant visited the site this year and said it was a nice show. Lodging and a banquet facility are available in St. James.
Our 6th Regional (2014) meeting will be at Forest City, MN the 3rd weekend in August. Gordy visited attended the show this year and said it is a nice little show with a very nice feature area. Accommodations and banquet site would be in Litchfield.
We want to thank EVERYONE who attended and helped make the show at Albany a success. It’s hard to get an accurate count of how many Cockshutts were there, but at one point we counted 62.
There being no old or new business the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Kay Norheim
Secretary/ Treasurer
April 30, 2011 MEETING MINUTES
February 12, 2011 MEETING MINUTES
Minnesotans Go-Pher Cockshutt
Minutes of October 30, 2010 Meeting
Freeport, MN
The meeting was called to order by President, Gordy LeFebvre.
Jeannie Bryant made a motion to approve the Secretaries report as written. The motion was seconded and approved.
Treasurer’s Report - Kay reported that we have a balance of $1,349.25 in our account at this time. She also reported that the Cockshutt Fever patches have sold better than our logo patches. Since we received our first order of T-shirts we have sold a total of 83, we have 53 remaining. Kay also suggested that if we want to sell items in the future, we should look at things that do not have our logo so all Cockshutt owners/fans might be interested in them. A motion was made and seconded to approve the treasurer’s report as submitted.
Rod Nelson thanked everyone for their help in making the Madison show the huge success it was. When he was thanking everyone during the banquet he knows he missed some people and is sorry, but wanted to extend a huge thank you to John and Pauline Weiss and Chris Thurk who helped so much. He mentioned that the manager of Prairie Village also wants to thank everyone from Cockshutt and said we were the best behaved group they’ve had in years.
The banquet on Saturday night was one of the largest banquets the ICCI has ever had. Sherri Thompson also reported that she signed up 20 new ICCI members, which is the most ever at a show.
Pauline Weiss reported that 105 items were registered for the parade.
We’ve heard varying numbers as to how many Cockshutts were on display. We think the final number was 150, give or take a couple.
All in all, the show was a huge success and probably exceeded everyone’s expectations.
Our 3rd regional meeting was planned for the first weekend of August 2011 at Park Rapids, MN. Due to an error in the Cockshutt Quarterly regarding the date of the ICCI Summer Show, we cannot have our meeting that weekend. That is the same weekend as the summer show in Williamstown, Ontario. The folks from Park Rapids were understanding and Kay told them that many of our people would still be attending their show.
Fortunately, the Pioneer Power show at Albany, MN will be featuring Cockshutts at their show September 16 - 18, 2011 and we will have our 3rd regional meeting at that time. They have a large building that is for the featured tractor, we can put tractors inside, or have displays in there. We asked if our vendors would be able to display their merchandise in this building. Al Mortenson said he thought so as long as they only sold Cockshutt items, but they would have to pay the $45 vendor fee. Shay Brenon, President of the Club and Al Mortenson said they would check on this and let Kay know.
Lee Mortenson asked if we would provide them with a list of Cockshutt club members, we told them we could not give out the membership list, but if they provide blank labels, the flyers, with postage on them, we will put the labels on and mail them.
Each year Albany makes a belt buckle with the featured tractor on it. They would like to know about how many buckles we think our people may want. They order 125 and have standing orders for them.
They haven’t decided which model tractor will be on the show button and plaque. If anyone has pictures they would like considered, please send to them. They have different pictures on the buttons, plaques and flyers. If you have any good stories you would like to share in their show book, please send them as well.
There are some show cases available, we can bring tractors in up to 2 weeks ahead of time. There is camping, but very limited electric hook-ups.
Gordy would like to talk to Steve Bauer about hosting a national show at Hastings. He thinks Hastings might be a better location than Almelund, but the final decision is up to the ICCI board. He just wanted to know if the club would be willing to host another national meeting. We all agreed we would like to have another meeting in our area.
Molly showed a calendar that she had created with pictures she’s taken. Asked if there was interest amongst club members to submit pictures and make a calendar that the club would sell. The calendar could include dates of interest (local shows, ICCI shows, etc.) and it would be nice to have seasonal photos – not just show photos. Kay moved that Molly getting more information on pricing and samples for the next meeting and to verify if owners of tractors have to sign release of photo since the calendar is being sold to the public. Judy seconded and it was approved.
Gordy showed a Cockshutt arrow that he had made that the club could sell. No decisions were made.
Gordy has received a flyer about the Wright County Fair in Howard Lake. Possible future show sight?
The Club made magnets for members to display on their tractors that say “this tractor is owned by a member of the MN Gopher Cockshutt Club”. If you have not received one, please let Kay know and she will see to it that you get one. This is a way for the Club to get publicity.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes of July 24, 2010 Meeting
Hastings, MN
Present: Ron and Judy Doerfler; Ken Thurk; Chris Thurk; Dave Bryant; Rod and JoAnn Nelson; Dick and Carol Olson; Willard Klaasen; Bob and Linda Sudbeck; Cameron Strand; Tim and Sue Brown; Keith and Vicky Larson family; Molly Bradley; Deb Bradley; Gordy and Marilyn Lefebvre, Kay Norheim
The meeting was called to order by President, Gordy Lefebvre, at 1:50 p.m.
Kay noted that everyone had received the minutes of our April 24, 2010 meeting in the mail and asked if there were additions or corrections. There being no additions or correction Judy Doerfler made a motion to approve the minutes as written. JoAnn Nelson seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Kay also reported that we have $556 in the bank at this time. The ICCI sent us $1200 for start-up costs for the Madison banquet. Ken Thurk made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented. Rod Nelson seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Next we discussed the Madison show. Kay reported that the mugs and pens for the banquet have been ordered. Rod Nelson said he received a call from someone out there about the golf carts we asked them to provide. The ICCI may have to pay for them ahead of time, rental of carts will repay ICCI.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.
Kay Norheim
Minutes of April 23rd, 2010 Meeting LeSueur, MN
The meeting was called to order by President, Gordy Lefebvre, at 2:00 p.m.
Kay noted that everyone had received the minutes of our January 31, 2010 meeting in the mail and asked if there were additions or corrections.
She also reported that we have $775 in the bank at this time.
Pauline Weiss made a motion to approve the Secretary and Treasurer reports - Judy Doerfler seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Sylvia Bauer (Hasting show) sent two designs for the buttons and magnets for our approval - copies attached. We can choose one design for the pins and the other for the magnet, or we can do them both from the same design. The vote was:
Pins: blue design 10 - red design 8
Magnets: blue design 0 - red design - everyone
Joanne Shellum from Prairie Village handed out some booklets with the schedule for the weekend. She explained the spaces that would be available for Cockshutt exhibitors and what is expected of us. They make up signs for tractors. Numbers are done separately. We will be responsible for registering all Cockshutt/Co-op equipment. We will have one display case. They would like volunteers from our clubs to drive the people movers for at least one hour each.
Nelson’s will be there on Wednesday. There will be a tractor drive at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday after supper, which is at 5:30 p.m.
If we want an article in the Prairie Village Times we must have it to them at least one month before the show.
Each exhibitor will get a plaque and button - 1 per family.
They have a double wide office space that we could use for our meeting on Friday night - it will hold 20-30 people.
The program for the banquet will feature officers of the past 20 years.
They need to know how many buildings we will be using (so she can assign space unused by us to other vendors). The vendors in three of the buildings should be predominantly Cockshutt. They should set up on Wednesday.
White Pine show gets their mugs from Adam’s promotional for under $3, one color.
At the Iowa club meeting Don Lamb presents "tech tips" on repairing tractors. He has agreed to do this at Madison.
We need volunteers to help with registration, driving people movers, etc. There will be a sign up sheet at the Little Log House show in July.
It would be nice if our members would bring some potted red and yellow flowers to have sitting around at Madison.
We discussed purchasing the domain for our web site. Purchasing the domain would shorten our address. The cost for two years would be $67.90. Chris Larson motioned and Mindy Rhebein seconded the motion. It carried.
We will order 2-1/2 " patches, the cost to members will be $4.00, non-members will pay $5.00.
Molly will invite members of the Iowa club to Hastings.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Kay Norheim, Secretary/Treasurer
FEBRUARY 20, 2010
Present: Dave Bryant, Molly Bradley, Deb Bradley, Tim Brown, John and Pauline Weiss, Dick and Carol Olson, Bob & Linda Sudbeck, Myron and Lenore Felix, Rod and JoAnn Nelson, Gordy Lefebvre, Ron and Judy Doerfler; Ryan and Katie Pansch, Keith and Vicky Larson; Joe and Cathy Ripka; Allan Warzecha; Chris, Meg and Jeremy Thurk, Ken Thurk, Rick Stark, Jerome Cafferty, Jim and Brenda Wright, Noel and Mary Allard, and Kay Norheim
The meeting was called to order by president, Gordy Lefebvre.
We were pleased to have four members at this meeting who have not attended meetings before. They are Joe and Cathy Ripka from Cambridge and Jim and Brenda Wright, from Park Rapids. Noel and Mary Allard attended with Jim and Brenda Wright. Welcome to all of you and we sure hope to see you at future meetings.
The minutes of the October meeting were sent to members prior to the meeting. A motion to approve them as written was made, seconded and approved.
Kay Norheim presented the Treasurer’s report. We have $1,263.33 in our account. Since our last meeting we’ve had expenses in the amount of $130 for the Little Log House ad in the Quarterly (Winter and Spring), $17 mailing expense and $169 from the Almelund show.
A motion to approve the Treasurer’s report was made, seconded and approved.
We sent letters to all ICCI members who are not members of our club. To date one person has joined. Our membership includes 76 families.
After much discussion pertaining to a banquet at the Hastings show, we have decided it just won’t work. The parade starts at 11:00 a.m. and runs about 1 to 1-1/2 hours, the tractor pull starts at 4:30 p.m. and people pulling need time to get their tractors weighed, etc. that doesn’t leave much time. We decided we will have a meeting at 2:00 p.m. near the building where the featured tractors are displayed. We will have cake, cookies and beverages.
Everything is on target for the Madison show. Rod and Gordy will be attending the April Spring Meeting of the ICCI and will have more details for us at our April 24th meeting and they will be posted on our web site shortly after their return. If you are planning to attend, make your reservations soon, there aren’t many rooms left. Banquet reservations need to be made prior to August 16th. Stan Roach, manager of the Prairie Village show and whose number will be in the Quarterly, is the person to contact regarding camp sites. His e-mail address is: [email protected], phone numbers are: office: 605-256-3644, cell: 605-860-8887. They have 40 sites with electricity and water at $13.00 per day - get your reservations in early, they are filling up quickly.
We’ve heard from people in Washington, Oregon and Canada calling to say they’re glad to know there is a show they can get to.
Rod, Joann, Deb, Molly and Kay will be attending a meeting with the Iowa Cockshutt club to discuss the Madison show.
We will ask them if they are interested in having a regional meeting with our club.
Depending on how much responsibility we have at the Madison show, we may have to call another meeting in June to finalize all the details.
Jim and Brenda Wright and Noel and Mary Allard from the Park Rapids Antique Tractor and Engine Club attended our meeting. Their show will feature Cockshutt on August 6-7, 2011. They have some camp sites with electricity, primitive shower house, pavillion with kitchen (perfect for a banquet), nearby motels and people movers covering the grounds constantly. Handicapped people can use golf carts but they must be insured. They are currently working on Cockshutt 30 for their raffle. We can start bringing tractors to the show anytime the week prior to the show.
We will notify ICCI members in North Dakota about this show.
Molly Bradley said she has started a Facebook page for the Cockshutt Club. If you are on Facebook you can access it.
Kay mentioned that some members have expressed a desire to have caps with our logo or Cockshutt tractors on them. Deb Bradley checked into pricing and we could buy caps for $5.64 each with our logo on them. She also checked on the price of iron on patches that would fit on a cap. Patches 2-1/4" high would be $1.36 each for 100 or $.92 each for 200.
Pauline Weiss suggested that we purchase another banner as most shows have a couple locations where we could use them.
Pauline made a motion and Chris Thurk seconded it, to purchase another banner. The motion was approved.
Pauline made a motion and it was seconded to purchase patches. The motion was approved.
Myron Felix was concerned about what shape the patches would be. They will be vertical and will fit on a hat. We will check for pricing on patches that are a little larger for shirts and jackets. JoAnn suggested we make some business cards similar to our membership cards.
We will contact the ICCI to see if they can put a link on their site to our web site.
We will check on pricing for owning domain.
Ryan made a motion, and Dave seconded it, to adjourn the meeting. The motion was approved.
Our next meeting will be at 2:00 P.M. on April 24th at the LeSueur Show Grounds in the Pancake House.
Hope to see you there!!!
Respectfully submitted,
Kay Norheim
We checked on the price of owning our web site domain. The advantage of owning the domain would be the elimination of "weebly" in our address.